Do you want to be a real estate agent with Tiko?

Join Tiko network

Why work as a real estate agent with Tiko?

We summarize the reasons why more and more people are joining Tiko's network of independent agents.

Ensure a wide portfolio of clients
Grow your business by 30% with potential sellers who are not yet at the market.
Embark on the most innovative real estate project
Take advantage of Impulsa, Tiko's comprehensive platform created for your success
Offer your clients other services beyond classic brokerage
You will have access to investors and guaranteed sale products

Advantages of being a Tiko real estate agent

We have designed our network of real estate agents with three objectives: lead you to success, help you to grow and share it with the rest of the community. Some of the specific advantages:

  1. Take the most competitive commissions of the sector.
  2. Get potential off-market sellers to increase your sales up to 30%.
  3. Offer more services to your clients apart from intermediation, such as access to investors or guaranteed sale.
  4. Position your homes on more than 100 real estate portals to reach more buyers.
  5. Boost your personal brand with our marketing advisors and differentiate yourself from the rest of the agents.
  6. Enjoy an amazing community of agents.

Do you want to know how you will get all these benefits for being a real estate agent in the Tiko network? Thanks to Impulsa, our comprehensive platform that will facilitate your daily work and where you will find, amongst other things...

  • Most advanced CRM of the sector for the management of your clients
  • A digital marketing engine to reach leads from potential sellers
  • The best positioning of your homes
  • Legal advice
  • Customer Support
  • Commercial support
  • IT support
  • Real-time commission tracking

What are the real estate agents of the Tiko network like?

At Tiko, we look for real estate agents with both experience as without it. We think you fit the network if:

contactYou embody honesty in the real estate sector and always provide transparent service to the client.
fill-the-formYou take excellence as a professional mantra and you want to offer the best possible service.
contactYou believe in the power of technology to make the job easier, but without losing the human side.

Are you already a real estate agent? Colaborate with us!

Click here to see the opportunities and get to know Tiko better. If you want to join the Tiko network of real estate agents, send us a request or write to [email protected]. We will be waiting for you!

Join Tiko network