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PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES / Find my best mortgage

Mortgage simulator

PERGUNTAS FREQUENTES / Find my best mortgage

Mortgage simulator

Mortgage simulator

To establish how you are going to repay a mortgage loan , banks take several criteria into account: what job you have, what your contract is, if you have a certain seniority, what your salary is, if you already had other debts, how old you are, what It's your savings...

They take all this into account to determine how much you are going to pay per month according to the years you have chosen for the mortgage, what your interest rate will be and how much you should have saved for the first payment. Many of them use a mortgage simulator to calculate your mortgage payment.

For example, for a person who wants a mortgage for a house of €200,000 and to pay it in 25 years, they may determine that they must have at least €60,000 saved for the first payment and that they grant them a fixed rate of 1.15 %, which would pay around €589 per month.

What does a mortgage simulator do?

There are several free mortgage simulators that will help you do this calculation more easily. Simply what they do is use cutting-edge technology, such as artificial intelligence, to automatically calculate which mortgage is the one that interests you the most .

With just a few simple questions to find out what your circumstances are, the mortgage simulator compares that data with the information it has on dozens of types of loans in different banks and tells you which one is best for you.

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