

Do you have further questions? You can ask us any questions whenever you need it

PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES / Buy a Tiko apartment

Is there any help or guide for financing if I buy a flat?

PERGUNTAS FREQUENTES / Buy a Tiko apartment

Is there any help or guide for financing if I buy a flat?

Is there any help or guide for financing if I buy a flat?

Tiko has established various agreements with collaborators to advise our clients on the different financing possibilities they have when buying a house.

The objective is to facilitate the search for a mortgage without having to visit all the banking entities. In this way, the time and stress involved in this search is reduced .

Our collaborators will offer buyers the best possibilities , adapting to their particular needs. The highest priority throughout the entire process will always be to make it as simple as possible for the client, in addition to of course achieving the best economic conditions.

How can I request financing to buy an apartment?

If you are interested in obtaining financing to buy any of these apartments , you can contact us by email at [email protected] or review our mortgage page to find out which one is best for you.

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