

Do you have further questions? You can ask us any questions whenever you need it

PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES / Request a proposal for my apartment

Do I have to pay anything for the proposal?

PERGUNTAS FREQUENTES / Request a proposal for my apartment

Do I have to pay anything for the proposal?

Do I have to pay anything for the proposal?

No, with Tiko you will not have to pay anything to receive a proposal for your house . You just have to complete our form to sell a house with the information about your apartment and we will contact you within one business day to schedule a visit. This way we can send you a more precise proposal or offer you a solution that best suits your needs.

There are many free online property valuation tools. However, most of them only take into account the price per square meter of the area to make their estimate. That is, the amount you obtain with these tools will be an approximation since there are many factors that are not being considered, such as whether you have a physical doorman or storage room.

Instead, our experts analyze the market price of homes similar to yours, crossing it with real data. This way they calculate its real market value based on the specific characteristics of your house, which is also competitive and adjusted to the market.

Among other things, we consider the square meters of your house, the floor it is on, whether the building has an elevator, whether there are other amenities on the property, etc. All of this is done free of charge, so you do not acquire any commitment with us just by requesting a proposal for your home.

We help you throughout the entire process.

At Tiko , we cannot guarantee that the proposal for your home is the price you expected, but we do assure you that we are the fastest, most comfortable and transparent alternative to sell it.

In addition, we will answer your questions, take care of the paperwork and manage the bureaucratic procedures for you in the shortest possible time. Of course, if after receiving your proposal, you prefer to sell your house in another way, you will not have lost money with us.

As you know, at Tiko our goal is to help you sell your house. Therefore, in the event that the proposal does not fit what you were looking for, we help you find a buyer for it.

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