Houses for sale in Burjassot, Valencia

Burjassot is located in the Huerta Norte region and has a total of 38,712 inhabitants. To the north, it borders the municipalities of Godella and Paterna, and to the east and south with the city of Valencia, from which it is 8 kilometers away. Due to this proximity, the municipality suffered a high population growth and became a very important communications network.

Currently, Burjassot is made up of two areas: Levante and Poniente.

Houses for sale in Burjassot
Subway line nearby

These are some lines that have routes that pass through this municipality.

Bus lines
L145B L131A L130A 62 145 146 L130B

These are some bus lines that connect Burjassot with the rest of the city.

Houses for sale in Burjassot, Valencia

Houses for sale in Burjassot
At a good price

Prices adjusted to the market

Houses for sale in Burjassot
Without managing paperwork

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Houses for sale in Burjassot
Technically and legally certified

We carry out an inspection of all houses

Why to buy houses Burjassot

Houses for sale in Burjassot
Patio de los Silos

It is one of the most emblematic monuments of the municipality; also known as "Patio de San Roque". In the 16th century, three underground silos were built near the center of Burjassot due to the supply problems that the city of Valencia was suffering at that time. As it turned out to be a success, they kept building silos until they exceeded forty.

Currently, the town hall organizes free visits so that both visitors and residents can get to know and see the monument.

Houses for sale in Burjassot
Iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel

This church was inaugurated in the 18th century, being one of the oldest in the municipality. It is located in the Plaza de Fueros and it is a Catholic temple made up of three naves with paintings that allude to San Miguel.

Currently, it is an Asset of Local Relevance.


Burjassot has numerous cultural entities that promote education, music, sports... available to all its citizens. An example is the Burjassot House of Culture, which from time to time opens its doors presenting different exhibitions. It also organizes various workshops in different areas for different ages, such as the drawing and painting workshop or the advanced internet monographic workshop.

The municipality also has a great educational offer for all ages, which includes the Faculty of Pharmacy or the Faculty of Physics.

Houses for sale in Valencia, Burjassot

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