Houses for sale in Poblados del Norte, Valencia

Poblados del Norte is one of the largest districts, although less populated, of Valencia. It is made up of seven towns, annexed to the city between 1888 and 1900, which in turn are considered neighborhoods and have their origins in the Andalusian farmhouses that were located along the Turia plain: Benifaraig, Pueblo Nuevo, Carpesa, Casas de Bárcena , Mahuella, Tauladella, Rafalell and Vistabella, Masarrochos and Borbotó.

Houses for sale in Poblados del Norte
Subway line nearby

These lines have routes that pass through this district.

Bus lines

These are the bus lines that connect Poblados del Norte with the rest of the city.

Houses for sale in Poblados del Norte, Valencia

Houses for sale in Poblados del Norte
At a good price

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Houses for sale in Poblados del Norte
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Houses for sale in Poblados del Norte
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Why to buy houses Poblados del Norte

Houses for sale in Poblados del Norte

One of the districts of the city of Valencia that is part of this district is Benifaraig. This old farmhouse was founded between 1092 and 1102 and was ceded to the Order of the Temple by Pérez D'Arenós, in exchange for Albentosa, in Teruel. It has points of interest such as the Church of Santa María de la Magdalena or the Casa de la Sirena.

Houses for sale in Poblados del Norte

Another of the districts of Valencia that are part of Poblados del Norte is Masarrochos. This neighborhood was also an Andalusian farmhouse that has experienced demographic growth during the 20th and 21st centuries, becoming the most populated nucleus of Poblados del Norte. In it you can visit the Parish Church of the Assumption or the sundial.


Despite being part of Valencia, this district has a much more rural character. The old farmhouses that make it up were taken by Jaime I during the Christian conquest and many of them were under the power of the Order of the Temple, better known as Templars. Today , these municipalities on the outskirts of the city constitute a zone ideal to live in tranquility and connected with nature and the countryside.

Houses for sale in Valencia, Poblados del Norte

If you are interested in acquiring a flat in Poblados del Norte, take a look at the housing portfolio that we have for sale in this town.

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